Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Dona Nobis Pacem

"We cannot change the past, but we can change our attitude toward it. Uproot guilt and plant forgiveness. Tear out arrogance and seed humility. Exchange love for hate -- thereby making the present comfortable and the future promising."

~ Maya Angelou


Quasi said...

Marilyn, Mickey is the luckiest cat in the world. If for some reason it doesn't work out with him, please keep your old man-cat friend, Quasi, in mind. I'm glad you did well with the dental work. The last time I had my teeth cleaned, I guilt-tripped my humans about it for a solid week.

Black Cat said...

Amen to that quotation. I'm sorry you had sore teeths, I didn't know coz I'm all behind (again and as usual!) but I'm glad the procedure went well and I'm sure you will be all better and comfy again very soon:) xxx

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Beautiful Peace Globe.
So glad to hear you are feeling better and have made such a fast recovery.
Love and Purrs,
Missy Blue Eyes

Tara said...

Gorgeous globe and wonderful sentiment!

Peace and Love to you!

Tara and Kavan

Gattina said...

Peace and Love !
That was our slogan already 30 years ago !

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

Hope u are feeling better, Marilyn. :)
Peace & Love!

Lux said...

How lovely, Marilyn & Mickey!

Lux et al.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Beautiful peace globe, Marilyn. Let there be peace.

Anonymous said...

Lovely globe and perfect quote!
Happy Wednesday :)

Anonymous said...

Great to see you on board. Mine is up too :-)

As a gentleman from Norway, I'll say peace to you and your family.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Beautiful globe
Peace be with us all

My Peace Post

Gretchen said...

Such a sweet globe with you and Mickey. You look so happy. I love your quote. I didn't think about doing something like that. I'm not really very good at such stuff.

I'm so glad you're feeling much better, too.

Love ya floofy-sister-cousin...G

Mike said...

Far out, sister-cuz. You and Mickey look sweet together.

I'm glad your feeling better.

Huggiepoohs from you bud...Mike

Anonymous said...

Peace to you and yours around the Peace Globe, Marilyn!

Karen Jo said...

I love your Peace Globe and the quote is perfect. I hope you are feeling much better.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

Thank you Marilyn. It is a beautiful globe and I am the proudest Mancat to be by your side.
I'll be putting the globe on my page, too!
Love--Your Mick

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

A splendid globe and a wonderful quote!

Glad your dental work went well!

Purrs, Shade

The Meezers or Billy said...

Peace to you! Beautiful globe

Mickey's Musings said...

Peace ,Love and Rock'n Roll!!
Mom is a fan of Maya. :)

Purrs Mickey ,Georgia & Tillie

Ivanhoe said...

What a pretty peace globe! Have a peaceful day and let love rule! :o)

Gattina said...

You both look beautiful on your campaign for peace !!

Peace and Love !

Anonymous said...


Very beautiful globe and quote.Peace to you and hugs...Ariel

Durward Discussion said...

"Words have power ... If you get the right ones, in the right order, you can nudge the world a little."

Tom Stoppard

May we all say together: PEACE

Anonymous said...

Peace be with you...

Julia Phillips Smith said...

No wonder cats always look so thoughtful, Marilyn. You've given us a lovely quote for the Blog Blast.

Meow Peace to you, meow.

Wendy Hoke said...




Peace~filled Purrs

Blogging for Peace
and Gracie

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Peace to you and yours and beyond the blogosphere

Mom Knows Everything said...

Peace to you and to all the people of the world!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Beautiful quote!
All we are asking...
Peace to us all!
~ The Bunch

Tybalt said...

Purrs and peace to you both, sweet Marilyn and Mickey!

Raven said...

Beautiful kitties. Wonderful quote. Peace!

jenianddean said...

Peace to all - big and small!

The McKitten-Cats

Mr. Hendrix said...

peace to you both Marilyn and Mickey. Puuuuuuuuurrrrrs for peace!
i'm so glad you're home safe and sound. we hope the gas wore off and you're feeling all better. i'm sure you missed the pretty pink hippos dancing in tutus. i can't be the only one who has seen them...

Anonymous said...

Peace to both of you!

Daisy said...

That is a very beautiful peace globe! Peace to you.

Sandee said...

Excellent advice. Peace and love to you too. :)

LZ said...

Much Peace to our dear friends!

Love your Friends,
Kaze, Latte, & Chase

Alexi said...

Peace to you my friend!! Love your peaceglobe!! Hope your teeths are better.
Alexi and the Krasota gang

Irishcoda said...

What a great quote you chose! We love your peace globe! :)

Mimi Lenox said...

Maya Angelou is one of my favorite authors. And I so love this colorful globe. Thank you for blogging for peace today.

Peace to you and yours,

Unknown said...

What a great Peace Globe with you and Mickey on it!

Peace to you and all you love.

Kellie The Orange Cat

How is your mouth feeling after they pulled your teef

Anonymous said...

Ms. Angelou sounds a lot like St. Francis and his prayer for the strength to build a better world.


Bud Fisher said...

Well done! This day is unbelievable! Peace to you and your family…

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

wowie kazowie ... mi brudder iz one luckee mancat.
all i got iz matsui! (harharhar!)
peace mi sistah.

sammawow said...

Peace to all of you at your house - what a wonderful Peace Globe!

We're also very glad that you did not have any more trouble with your teeth!

Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Just Ducky said...

Let's be Paws for Peace.

Samantha & Mom said...

Very beautiful Peace Globe! Peace to you and yours and may it all start with us!
Your FL furiends,

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Marilyn~!
Peace and great love to you and your Mickeybear~~~

I am so glad this world has you, turn out more and more love. We think our love at this level, but having you, we realize our love could upgrade more~!! You are really amazing, and your brothers and sisters~~

Barbara said...

It's the day after the big event, but its never too late to spread good feelings.
Peace and lots of love to these gorgious cats and everyone who comes to this blog.

Akelamalu said...

Lovely Peace Globe and message.

Ana said...

Ah, that's a great quote!

We are so happy you feel so well after your visit at the vet!

Snuggles and Hugs!

Quasi said...

Marilyn, I hope your mouthy feels better and you're getting lots of treats.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Such a lovely peace praphic and you two are an absolutely magnificent pair!

zevo hussein calamari said...

You both look adorable. ..ain't love grand?

I hope you are feeling better.

Travis Cody said...

Great quote and a thought to remember.

Peace to you and yours!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Peace to you!

snowforest said...

Peace to you ~ we love those words too ~ nice piktur of you and Mickey Mantle!

Christine and FAZ said...

Peace to you too Marilyn. FAZ

Sweet Purrfections said...

Marilyn - thank you for the kind words. My mom takes really good care of me and brushes me twice a day and gives me plenty of treats to keep me beautiful.