Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Purr... I've Got My Own Blog!

I can't stop purring... I've got my own blog, and I'm so happy! I purred in Momma's ear and when that didn't work, I meowed in her ear. Loudly. Again and again and again. My mancat Mickey got his own blog, I said, so please let me have one of my own.

She finally said yes.

So here I am!


mister jeter harris, hizself said...

Dear Marilyn,
Purring is nice ... but when you must get something done, a good old fashioned "meow" does the trick!
Your Mick

Anonymous said...

Dearest Mickey,

I'm so happy that you're the first kitty to comment on my new blog! Oh dear, I'm swooning again...

*happy sigh*

You're right, meowing is much better than purring when you need humans to snap to something! You are a strong and wise mancat, my darling.

Love and kisses,


Karen Jo said...

Congratulations on getting your own blog, Marilyn. I really like the look of it and I'll be adding you to my blogroll.

Willow said...

I have been reading about you and it's great to see your new blog!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Karen Jo and Willow! I love having my own blog. :)

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn